Senior Men Senior Men
Pos Time Name Team Cat. No Pos Time Name Team Cat. No
1 0:28:14 ALLEN, Richard Leeds City SM 158 51 0:35:02 HUGHES, Ned Halifax Harriers U20M 82
2 0:28:27 TAYLOR, Linton Leeds City SM 458 52 0:35:03 HOLLINGSWORTH, Kristian Pudsey & Bramley SM 101
3 0:28:53 GARBUTT, Daniel Skyrac SM 459 53 0:35:13 MEILHAN, David Beverley AC M45 13
4 0:28:57 SAGAR, Joe Spenborough SM 376 54 0:35:21 RICKERBY, Dylan Rothwell Harriers M45 327
5 0:29:23 MARSH, Nathan Leeds City SM 457 55 0:35:46 BROWN, Paul Rothwell Harriers M55 330
6 0:29:28 WOODCOCK-SHAW, Joshua Leeds City SM 455 56 0:35:49 FAIRBURN, Paul Denby Dale M45 431
7 0:29:44 FRANKS, Daniel Wakefield SM 47 57 0:35:55 BAIRSTOW, Scott Keighley & Craven M50 117
8 0:30:03 BERESFORD, Frank Valley Striders SM 382 58 0:35:59 REVELL, Edward Spenborough M45 381
9 0:30:07 STRATTON, Timothy City of York SM 452 59 0:36:01 MIDWOOD, Thomas Harrogate  H. U20M 252
10 0:30:07 ABSHIR, Mohamed Leeds City SM 153 60 0:36:02 GRAVE, Paul Valley Striders M45 264
11 0:30:23 BOLLAND-CAGE, Simon Spenborough SM 377 61 0:36:03 SKIPPINS, Gerard Spenborough M45 380
12 0:30:40 HOBBS, Edward Ilkley U20M 288 62 0:36:29 FISHER, Dan Valley Striders M40 253
13 0:30:52 BUTLER, Ben Wakefield M40 41 63 0:36:32 ASHELFORD, Tim Ilkley M55 289
14 0:31:05 BEILBY, Owen Wharfedale Harriers M40 353 64 0:36:34 AKERS, Rohan Wharfedale Harriers M45 354
15 0:31:10 BOLLAND CAGE, Mark City of York SM 399 65 0:36:35 SANDERSON, Michael Holmfirth M35 236
16 0:31:26 MILLER, Chris Wharfedale Harriers M40 350 66 0:36:36 WALMSLEY, Gordon Knavesmire H. M45 201
17 0:31:48 ATHERSMITH, Matthew Wharfedale Harriers SM 342 67 0:36:38 RICKERBY, Torin Rothwell Harriers U20M 325
18 0:32:02 ATHERSMITH, Lee Wharfedale Harriers M40 343 68 0:36:39 WARD, Robert Knavesmire H. M45 210
19 0:32:11 CROWTHER, Ben Halifax Harriers M35 88 69 0:36:43 ZEMLICK, Darren Denby Dale M50 427
20 0:32:21 SOMERVILLE, Gareth Harrogate  H. SM 413 70 0:36:44 QUIN, Simon Otley A.C. M50 185
21 0:32:27 PAVIS, Tom Knavesmire H. SM 205 71 0:36:46 JONES, Chris Wharfedale Harriers M55 346
22 0:32:32 BURNS, Alisdair Wharfedale Harriers M40 439 72 0:36:48 WEBB, Steve Valley Striders M60 260
23 0:32:52 CLARKSON, Gregan Kingston upon Hull M40 415 73 0:36:50 MITCHELL, Philip Longwood M40 142
24 0:33:00 WARTERS, Matthew Wharfedale Harriers SM 349 74 0:37:02 WILSON, Justin Rothwell Harriers M45 332
25 0:33:04 MORRISON, David Knavesmire H. SM 213 75 0:37:19 DOVE, Chris Skyrac SM 29
26 0:33:06 RANDALL, William Rothwell Harriers U20M 326 76 0:37:23 CATTERMOLE, Lee Halifax Harriers M45 86
27 0:33:08 ALLISON, Jack Leeds City SM 155 77 0:37:27 PILLING, Graham Pudsey & Bramley M40 97
28 0:33:09 FRICKE, Simon Knavesmire H. M40 204 78 0:37:33 GIBSON, Dunstan Denby Dale M45 432
29 0:33:10 BROWN, Edward City of York U20M 405 79 0:37:39 SUNDERLAND, Adam Holmfirth M50 233
30 0:33:11 CARTWRIGHT, Andrew Wakefield M45 50 80 0:37:41 GREENWOOD, Andrew Halifax Harriers M35 89
31 0:33:20 WALKER, Colin Bingley Harriers M50 433 81 0:37:42 GRAHAM, Gary Holmfirth M55 238
32 0:33:37 GOTT, Steven Ilkley M45 299 82 0:37:43 PARKINSON, Simon Longwood SM 145
33 0:33:39 LOWE, Steve Wakefield M45 38 83 0:37:45 TIFFANY, Paul Bingley Harriers M45 172
34 0:33:43 PRENTICE, Elliot Wakefield U20M 57 84 0:37:48 RIDGE, Jonathan Denby Dale M40 429
35 0:33:59 MITCHELL, Thomas Harrogate  H. SM 408 85 0:37:50 AMBLER, Philip Wakefield M50 51
36 0:34:00 HEWITT, Philip Holmfirth M35 235 86 0:37:57 TINKER-IVES, Edwin Denby Dale M45 426
37 0:34:10 CHARLESWORTH, Nicholas Wharfedale Harriers M55 347 87 0:38:02 JACKMAN, Paul Rothwell Harriers M35 329
38 0:34:12 ARMITAGE, Neil Pudsey & Bramley M50 96 88 0:38:04 LEMMON, Paul Bingley Harriers M60 179
39 0:34:13 COOK, Joseph Leeds City SM 151 89 0:38:13 POTTER, David Bingley Harriers M60 171
40 0:34:20 NORCUP, Drew Leeds City SM 159 90 0:38:26 WASHINGTON, James Holmfirth M45 239
41 0:34:22 HARGREAVES, James Bingley Harriers SM 174 91 0:38:27 MARTIN, Laurence Pudsey & Bramley M40 99
42 0:34:28 HONE, Toby Knavesmire H. SM 197 92 0:38:36 ROBERTS, Edmund Knavesmire H. SM 207
43 0:34:33 HOLLOWAY, Lewis Beverley AC M50 12 93 0:38:42 TRAVIS, Joe Rothwell Harriers SM 335
44 0:34:34 BURRELL, Gareth Halifax Harriers SM 90 94 0:38:43 CESAR DE SA, Nuno Skyrac M45 32
45 0:34:36 JEBB, Andrew Bingley Harriers M45 180 95 0:38:45 RYDER, Jim Ilkley M55 291
46 0:34:39 CROW, Ashley Wakefield SM 44 96 0:38:47 HENDERSON, Rory Knavesmire H. M35 196
47 0:34:48 HILL, Mick Leeds City M45 419 97 0:38:49 STRUTT, James Harrogate  H. M45 411
48 0:34:54 HOLMES, Christian Wharfedale Harriers M45 345 98 0:38:53 WESTHEAD, David Ilkley M55 292
49 0:34:57 MANN, Gary Valley Striders M40 255 99 0:39:08 BLAKE, Simon Bingley Harriers M40 177
50 0:35:00 BARKER, Neil Spenborough M50 372 100 0:39:15 PRINCE, Scott Bingley Harriers SM 183
Senior Men
Pos Time Name Team Cat. No
101 0:39:32 O'FLAHERTY, Liam Wakefield M45 39
102 0:39:38 GENTLE, Jack Skyrac SM 27
103 0:39:42 LONG, Vernon Valley Striders M55 254
104 0:39:45 MONTGOMERY, Ken Halifax Harriers M40 87
105 0:39:46 OGDEN, Ian Spenborough M50 378
106 0:40:10 BROUGH, Chris Knavesmire H. SM 445
107 0:40:14 FAIRLAMB, Ian Knavesmire H. M45 200
108 0:40:18 BEADLE, Christopher Holmfirth M50 232
109 0:40:24 OGDEN, Kevin Spenborough M50 373
110 0:40:29 GROOBY, David Bingley Harriers M45 178
111 0:40:32 GREEN, Andy Denby Dale M50 430
112 0:40:34 IRVINE, Richard Valley Striders M50 259
113 0:40:38 BROOKE, David Wakefield M45 55
114 0:40:41 SMITH, Paul Valley Striders M50 257
115 0:40:44 ILEY, Mark Ilkley M60 290
116 0:40:53 SKIDMORE, Stephen Denby Dale M65 424
117 0:41:01 STRANGE, Neil Knavesmire H. M60 199
118 0:41:12 SHIPLEY, Ian Wakefield M50 46
119 0:41:24 DUCKERING, Joshua Rothwell Harriers SM 336
120 0:41:28 BUDDING, Robert Ilkley M55 305
121 0:42:04 COULTON, Andrew Bingley Harriers M45 173
122 0:42:09 WHITEHEAD, Owen Longwood M50 143
123 0:42:15 KAULGUD, Dinesh Valley Striders M45 263
124 0:42:31 SPENCER, Paul Bingley Harriers M55 355
125 0:43:07 GRIMES, Philip Halifax Harriers M65 85
126 0:43:35 FARRAN, Martin Leeds City M60 152
127 0:43:56 FRY, Stephen Bingley Harriers M60 181
128 0:44:01 HAMMOND, Dan Beverley AC M45 15
129 0:44:19 BARKER, Raloh Denby Dale M65 428
130 0:44:48 WALSH, Stephen Goole Youth AC M60 64
131 0:45:23 GREGORY, Mark Rothwell Harriers M60 334
132 0:45:34 STEVENS, Richard Goole Youth AC M45 66
133 0:46:12 SHAW, Brian Rothwell Harriers M55 331
134 0:46:50 WALKER, Mark Harrogate  H. M55 409
135 0:59:15 THOMPSON, Geoffrey Wharfedale Harriers M60 348
136 1:20:15 HESLOP, Steve Scunthorpe H. M60 92
137 1:23:25 CARDINALE, Antonio Otley A.C. M70+ 186