Race 3
Sunday 18th Nov 2018
Under 11 Boys Under 11 Boys
Pos Time Name Team No Pos. Time Name Team No
1 0:05:17 PEAKER, Archie Keighley & Craven 260 51 0:06:51 AKEROYD, David Otley A.C. 332
2 0:05:21 LEVAY, Declan Holmfirth 184 52 0:06:55 WEST, Henry Rothwell Harriers 390
3 0:05:27 WOLFENDEN, Alexander Ilkley 223 53 0:06:57 CALVIN, Archie Wharfedale Harriers 553
4 0:05:33 MIRFIN, Rafferty Valley Striders 474 54 0:06:59 EBBS, Ben Rothwell Harriers 381
5 0:05:35 WALKER, Logan Bingley Harriers 24 55 0:06:59 BALL, Kian Denby Dale 82
6 0:05:37 ROBINSON, Charlie Bingley Harriers 21 56 0:07:01 WALKER, Jack Rothwell Harriers 389
7 0:05:40 WATSON, Miles City of York 54 57 0:07:02 JAMIESON, Lucas Pudsey & Bramley 359
8 0:05:44 LUNN, Noah Rothwell Harriers 384 58 0:07:05 BYRNE, Ryan Pontefract A.C. 342
9 0:05:45 MCANDREW, Cole Wakefield 503 59 0:07:06 SCOTT, Charles Ilkley 220
10 0:05:46 SCURRAH-SMYTH, Benjamin City of York 53 60 0:07:08 WILLIAMS, Mark Denby Dale 85
11 0:05:47 WORLEY, Sam Ilkley 224 61 0:07:18 SANDHU, Bhavan Halifax Harriers 614
12 0:05:49 WILKINSON, Ewen Keighley & Craven 263 62 0:07:30 PLATTS, Kaiden Halifax Harriers 109
13 0:05:50 GALLAGHER, Joe Wakefield 500 63 0:07:34 GILLIGAN, Alexander Holmfirth 182
14 0:05:52 WATMOUGH, Robbie Keighley & Craven 262 64 0:07:39 TURTON, Joshua Rothwell Harriers 388
15 0:05:55 GALLAGHER-THOMPSON, Ned Otley A.C. 333 65 0:08:08 AUGUSTINE, Louis Halifax Harriers 104
16 0:05:57 NOSSITER, Henry Ilkley 218 66 0:08:41 CROFT, Thomas Spenborough 449
17 0:05:59 SHEPHERD, Gabriel Harrogate 142
18 0:06:00 SQUIRES, Theo Ripon Runners 369
19 0:06:00 CESAR DE SA, Eduardo Skyrac 418
20 0:06:02 DICKINSON, Samuel City of York 52
21 0:06:03 NORRIS, Jake Ilkley 217
22 0:06:05 MARTIN, Thomas Pudsey & Bramley 361
23 0:06:05 MIILGATE, Edward Wetherby R 533
24 0:06:08 DOYLE, Ethan Ilkley 215
25 0:06:11 ROSSER, James Wharfedale Harriers 555
26 0:06:12 GREENLAY, James Ilkley 216
27 0:06:13 PALEY, Oliver Ilkley 219
28 0:06:13 GREENING, Joseph Keighley & Craven 258
29 0:06:14 BUSTWICK, Oliver Wakefield 497
30 0:06:14 BROOKS, Otis Wharfedale Harriers 552
31 0:06:17 SHARP, James Wakefield 506
32 0:06:20 CURRIE, Alexander Wakefield 498
33 0:06:22 FOTHERGILL, William Wakefield 499
34 0:06:23 HELLEWELL, Liam Rothwell Harriers 383
35 0:06:23 ARNOLD, Travis Rothwell Harriers 379
36 0:06:26 TEMPLE, Robert Bingley Harriers 23
37 0:06:27 BREARLEY-HILL, William Denby Dale 83
38 0:06:28 SWANSTON, Bobby Ilkley 222
39 0:06:30 SHEPHERD, Owen Rothwell Harriers 387
40 0:06:31 GORBUTT, Oliver Wakefield 501
41 0:06:32 ROBERTS, Joseph Denby Dale 84
42 0:06:33 BOYLE, William Ilkley 214
43 0:06:34 WALKER, Archie Wakefield 507
44 0:06:34 SLOW, Ben Halifax Harriers 111
45 0:06:35 BARTON, Calvin Harrogate 141
46 0:06:35 MASON, Thomas Pontefract A.C. 344
47 0:06:40 WHITAKER, Ben Spenborough 450
48 0:06:42 POW, Oliver Leeds City 298
49 0:06:45 COLLIN, Archie Rothwell Harriers 380
50 0:06:47 MCLAUGHLIN, Reuben Halifax Harriers 107